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Official UK Government data suggests Fully Vaccinated Brits will develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome by the end of February 2022

The latest Uk Wellness Security Bureau Vaccine Surveillance Report figures show that boosters massively advance immune arrangement deposition and that most triple/double vaccinated people in the United Kingdom may develop a new form of Covid-19 vaccine induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome by the end of Feb 2022.

By a concerned reader

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) publishes a weekly 'Vaccine Surveillance' written report containing statistics on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status across England over a flow of four weeks.

By comparing the previous two published reports we have been able to calculate the real-world effectiveness of the Covid-nineteen injections over a period of 6 weeks every bit well as the immune system boost or degradation among everyone over the age of xviii in England.

The following shows the immune system boost/deposition in each age group between week 47 and 50 2021 co-ordinate to the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report – Calendar week 51:

Cases reported by specimen appointment betwixt week 47 & 50 2021 – https://avails.publishing.service.gov.united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1043608/Vaccine_surveillance_report_-_week_51.pdf

The following shows the immune system boost/deposition in each age grouping between week 49 and 52 2021 co-ordinate to the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report – Week 1 – 2022:

Cases reported by specimen appointment betwixt week 49 & 52 2021 – https://avails.publishing.service.gov.britain/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1045329/Vaccine_surveillance_report_week_1_2022.pdf

The following graph shows the apropos allowed system degradation among all age groups betwixt week 47 and week 52 of 2021 according to the data independent in the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance reports –

These figures show an absurdly alarming rate of immune system destruction. If we extrapolate forward bold the same rate of immune degradation as we saw in the Christmas fortnight, then we get the post-obit…

A vaccine efficacy of -100% ways that the vaccines take totally destroyed your immune response to Covid-19. Y'all are defenceless against it when compared to an unvaxxed person (i.e. someone who still has an immune arrangement response).
The vaccinated will be condemned to be indefinitely reinfected like triple vaccinated Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer.

It is important to realise that this is NOT vaccines failing to piece of work or waning in efficiency. That would just lead to a 0% vaccine efficacy. If the vaccines were only failing to work, their efficacy would be approaching from to a higher place the efficacy of unvaxxed allowed systems. But it is not doing that. Vaxxed cases are many times worse than the unvaxxed case numbers. Vaxxed efficacy is diving miles below unvaxxed efficacy. These figures are a catastrophe for the vaccinated.

Vaccines are not waning and neither volition they not wax in the hereafter. Every prison cell that they infect starts to produce pathogenic spike proteins. Your allowed system recognises this (even if you don't) and sends killer T cells to destroy those cells. Considering unlike the nowadays generation of politicians, pharmaceutical salesmen and NHS bureaucrats your immune organisation is badly trying to go along you alive. The more boosters you have, the more spike proteins you make, the more cells y'all lose and the larger the fraction of your express immune arrangement response is directed into a self inflicted ceremonious war against vaccinated cells.

You may non recognise vaccines as alien, as dangerous and as lethal to your trunk, but your immune system would beg to differ. It is correct now destroying absolutely every vaccinated prison cell in your body (if you lot are vaxxed).

It is your immune system which is keeping you standing and keeping yous breathing and stopping yous keeling over from Myocarditis, not the vaccines. (Incidentally for all those who have fallen for the prevarication of balmy Myocarditis, please read the final section of this commodity.)

These latest UKHSA figures are a catalogue of progressive vaccine devastation of your immune system which nosotros first identified and published in the Expose on October 10th 2021.

These vaccines reprogram your immune organisation to fail and to therefore require more drugs from Pfizer and Moderna, merely similar an HIV AIDS patient. No true vaccine would e'er have a negative efficacy. These vaccines are immune disruptors disguised and sold as allowed boosters. They have no straight effectiveness against Omicron at all. So this variant exposes their true nature every bit immune system poisons. This may well exist a criminal deception. Many who care take been trying to betrayal this for months. But at present the UKHSA has done our task for us.

These figures testify that Pfizer and Moderna are in the business of manufacturing and selling immune disruptors as vaccines.

The only question now remaining is how much of your immune system will have been 100% destroyed by the terminate of February? How much of the immune response to Covid-xix is needed to fight cancer, bacterial sepsis, fungal sepsis, other viruses, auto-immune diseases etc. etc.?

If y'all stop poisoning your trunk it may recover. If you continue to poison it, information technology will not.

All the ruby ink in the Vaccine Efficacy table in a higher place declares that Vaccine Passports are the precise opposite of what is required to fight this pandemic. Information technology is the vaccinated who are spreading Omicron not the unvaccinated, and the more vaccine you accept taken the faster your immune system is degrading.

The Betrayal pointed out in October that boosters give you a short lived allowed organisation stimulation that volition shortly be followed by an fifty-fifty faster rate of decline in immune response. My God was that an understatement – A 70% immune system degradation in 2 weeks for seventy-79 year olds?

Here is what nosotros published in October xxx – https://dailyexpose.united kingdom/2021/x/xxx/gov-reports-show-fully-vaccinated-and-children-developing-ade/

"At the other cease of the age scale, the lxxx+ group saw a major improvement in Week42, due to the boosters which will buy them a couple of months of improved covid amnesty which will hide the standing gradual immune system degradation. These boosters are the same as the original vaccinations (because no other shot has yet been canonical and because the drug companies have so far but been indemnified against the original vaccines). So the worry is that whilst, Covid-19 immunity may exist improved for a couple of months, their full general immunity is now degrading fifty-fifty faster than information technology would have done had the booster not been taken. Nosotros shall see if that turns out to exist the case from futurity information."

Well, we now have the future data, and regrettably we tin see that information technology was the example.

Dr Steve James of King's Higher Hospital South London

We must quote Dr Steve James at Male monarch's College Hospital in South London here, responding to UK Health Secretarial assistant Sajid Javid and proverb: "So, I've had COVID at some point, I've got antibodies, and I've been working on COVID ICU since the beginning. I have not had a vaccination, I do non desire to have a vaccination. The vaccines are reducing transmission only for almost 8 weeks for Delta, with Omicron it's probably less. And for that, I would be dismissed if I don't have a vaccine? The scientific discipline isn't strong enough," James said.

The UKHSA figures ostend his representations. And we must requite Sajid credit for request the question which prompted the Doctor's response. Dr James connected:

"If you oasis't had the vaccination, to not get it, because the protection I've got from transmission is equivalent to somebody who's vaccinated."

"Yes," the health secretary replied, adding, "merely at some point that will wane likewise."

"Just if yous want to provide protection with a booster, you'd have to inject everybody every month," James pointed out. "If the protection's worn off from transmission afterwards ii months, so after a calendar month you lot still have a chip of protection – simply if you want to maintain protection, you're going to need to boost all staff members every single month, which you lot're not going to do."

These last comments are the key and have not been widely reported. Only this is a cardiac ICU Physician at a major South London Hospital saying exercise not become vaccinated.

Myocarditis has a 56% mortality rate within 4.three years co-ordinate to the American Eye Association

Dr. Anthony Hinton, a consultant surgeon with thirty years of feel working for the United Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS), has warned that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccine"-related myocarditis has a xx percent fatality rate in children after two years, and a 50 percent fatality rate in 5 years.

In a tweet, Hinton explained that viral myocarditis is "not balmy," adding that "[i]t's dead heart muscle." To even propose that myocarditis is in whatsoever manner mild is akin to saying that a person is "a little chip pregnant," added Scottish telly presenter and author Neil Oliver.

The American Heart Association medical periodical Circulation explains that myocarditis results in a 56% mortality charge per unit in four.three years. Giant cell myocarditis had an eighty% mortality rate in five years.

The Myocarditis Treatment Trial reported bloodshed rates for biopsy-verified myocarditis of 20% and 56% at one year and 4.3 years, respectively. These outcomes are similar to the Mayo Dispensary'due south observational data of 5-year survival rates that approximate 50%. Survival with giant cell myocarditis is substantially lower, with <20% of patients surviving 5 years – https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/x.1161/circulationaha.105.584532


By the terminate of February every fully vaccinated person in the Britain may have total diddled vaccine mediated AIDS according to the UK Governments ain data. Notwithstanding much of the immune organisation that is presently left with the power fight Omicron will have gone.

This will cause a massive brunt on the NHS and massive pain, suffering and decease, all of which has been inflicted upon us by a corrupted healthcare system. This must exist the biggest own goal in medical history.

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Source: https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/09/uk-gov-data-suggests-fully-vaccinated-developing-ade/

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