Your Friend's Baby Brother Matt Loves to Play With His Pet Cat

Предлагаю вам подборку упражнений по теме СЕМЬЯ (Family unit) на английском языке. В подборке присутствуют как исключительно лексические упражнения, так и упражнения, нацеленные на проверку грамматических навыков и навыков чтения, созданные на основе лексики по теме СЕМЬЯ.

Упражнения рассчитаны на детей начальной школы, но могут быть использованы для повторения лексики по теме семья и в v-eight классах.

В конце статьи вы найдете ответы к упражнениям.

Лексические упражнение по теме СЕМЬЯ

Члены семьи: упражнения

Practise i. Подберите правильный вариант ответа

1.Olga is is your female parent's mother. Olga is your...

a) mother    b) aunt       c) granny            d) sister

2. Max is your uncle'south son. He is your...

a) nephew     b) cousin            c) twin      d) grandson

3. Sarah is your grandma's only daughter. Sarah is your...

a) mother    b) aunt       c) granny            d) sister

4. Nikita is your mother's son. He is your...

a) nephew    b) dad          c) blood brother     d) grandson

5. Mary is your uncle's wife. She is your...

b) mother       b) aunt       c) granny            d) sis

Упражнение two. Вставьте подходящие названия родственников на английском.

  1. Nick is your mother's husband. He is your ...
  2. Alex is your brother's son. He is your ...
  3. Your mother and begetter are your ...
  4. Patrick is your begetter's brother. He is your ...
  5. Sheena is your begetter's girl. She is your ...

Упражнение 3. Скажите, верны ли предложения (True or False), используя Family TREE. Исправьте неверные предложения.

  1. Susan is Maggie'south mother.
  2. Martin is Tim's begetter.
  3. Peter is Mary'south uncle.
  4. Joan is Maggie'southward granny.
  5. Maggie is Tim's blood brother.
  6. Bob is Ana's husband.
  7. Mary is Maggie's cousin.
  8. Mary is Peter's niece.
  9. Peter is Tim's grandfather.
  10. Susan is Martin'due south daughter.
  11. Tim is Susan's daughter.
  12. Ana is Bob's aunt .
  13. Ana and Bob are Mary's parents.

Упражнение 4. Заполните таблицу, используя следующие слова

Brother, children, aunt, grandpa, grandparents, grandmother, father, husband, mother, nephew, niece, son, wife, sister, uncle, grandson, aunt, granddaughter, parents, cousins, great grandparents

MEN ( мужчины)

WOMEN (женщины)

PLURAL (множественное число)

Упражнение 5. Прочитайте текст о семье и заполните таблицу.

He is John Shinder. He is from London, England. He is 40-two years old He is a photographer. He is tall and slim. His eyes are brown and his pilus is blackness. He is married. His wife is Alice Shinder. She is from Liverpool, England. She is a teacher. She is twoscore years quondam. She is not very tall and slim. Her optics are blue and her hair is long and dark. Their children are Max and Kate. They are 11 years one-time. They are twins. John loves taking photos and Alice loves reading romantic books. They accept got two lovely cats.



Total proper noun:








Full proper name:








Грамматические упражнения по теме СЕМЬЯ

Упражнение i. Дополните текст о семье правильной формой глагола (PRESENT Simple).

Hello! My proper noun is Kate. I (1) ___________ (live/lives) with my parents in Sydney, Australia. My mother's proper name is Nancy and my father'due south name is Patrick. I (2) __________ (have/haves/has) two brothers and one sister.

My brothers, Landon and Shamus, (3) ____________ (alive/lives) with us. Landon (4) ___________ (report/studies) at school. He (v) _____________ ( accept/takes) the train to schoolhouse. He (6) ____________ (get upwardly/gets up/get ups ) at 6 am. That's very early! But Shamus (7) ________________ (get up/gets upward/get ups) late. He (8) ______________ (walk/walks ) to work. Landon (9) ________________ (practice/dos/does) his homework every day at 5pm.

My sister, Alice, (10) _____________ (live/lives) downtown with her hubby, Tod. He (xi) ______________ (work/works) in the suburbs. Tod is a doctor, only he (12) ______________ (don't work/doesn't work/doesn't works) in a hospital, he (xiii) _____________ (work/works/workes) in an office. They (14) ______________ ( visit/visits/visites) u.s.a. every Sunday.

I really (xv) __________________ (love/loves) my family!

Упражнение ii. Дополните текст о семье правильной формой глагола (Present CONTINUOUS).

Information technology's a rainy Saturday. It'southward raining a lot and Jane and her family are spending the afternoon at dwelling. Her uncles are visiting them.

 Jane and her begetter are in the living room. Jane (ane) ______ (draw) and her father, Mr. Green, (2) ______ (surf) surf the net. They are also talking.

 Jane's elder brother, Peter, is in his bedroom playing computer games. He is a figurer fanatic and he spends much fourth dimension playing the estimator. His piddling blood brother, Jim is also in the living room. He (3) ______ (play) with his dinosaurs' collection. Sometimes he teases Jane, he is a really naughty male child.

 Jane'due south mother, Mrs. Green, is in the kitchen preparing a snack for all of them. She (4) ________ (make) some tea.

 Fluffy, the family cat, (5) __________ (slumber) on the kitchen'south sofa.

Ответы к упражнениям по теме СЕМЬЯ

Ответы к лексическим упражнениям

Упражнение 1.

1 – с, ii — b, 3 – a, four – c, 5 — b

Упражнение ii.

  1. begetter/dad
  2. nephew
  3. parents
  4. uncle
  5. sister

Упражнение 3.

  1. Truthful
  2. Faux (Martin is Tim's grandfather/granddad.)
  3. Truthful
  4. True
  5. False (Maggie is Tim's sis)
  6. True
  7. True
  8. Truthful
  9. Faux (Peter is Tim's father/dad.)
  10. True
  11. Fake (Tim is Susan's son)
  12. Fake (Ana is Bob'south married woman)
  13. True

Упражнение 4.

MEN (мужчины)

WOMEN (женщины)

PLURAL (множественное число)



Male parent










Married woman








Great grandparents

Упражнение v.


Married woman

Full name: John Shinder

Historic period: forty-two

Country: England

Hometown: London

Task: photographer

Eyes: brown

Hair: black

Hobby: taking photos

Full name: Alice Shinder

Age: forty

Land: England

Hometown: Liverpool

Task: teacher

Optics: bluish

Pilus: long and night

Hobby: reading romantic books

Ответы к грамматическим упражнениям

Упражнение 1

1 live, two have, iii live, 4 studies, 5 takes, half-dozen gets upwards, 7 gets up, viii walks, 9 does, 10 lives, 11 works, 12 doesn't work, 13 works, 14 visit, 15 love

Упражнение 2

1 is drawing, 2 is surfing, 3 is playing, 4 is making, 5 is sleeping

Возможно, вам также будут полезны следующие упражнения:

  • Birthday Exercises или упражнения на тему «BIRTHDAY»
  • Daily Routine (Распорядок дня) – упражнения по английскому языку
  • ФРУКТЫ И ОВОЩИ — упражнения с ответами.

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