TENS is acknowledged and claimed to be a non-invasive and drug-gratuitous method for pain relief, merely a HUGE and completely essential part of reaching the benefits of using a TENS machine is to know the right placement of the pads. This is because the electrical current need to be both connected to the injured area too every bit between the two (or 4) pads in order to "triangulate" the expanse. This lets the electric pulses mote through the nerve fibers within the damaged area.

If, when reading this article, you don't yet know what a TENS Machines is or what it serves for part, I accept made a completely in-depth guide nigh it hither, so go check that out earlier, if you are yet researching dissimilar kinds of hurting management.

What I can say is, however, that i of the key goals in pain management in, for example, concrete therapy is to have a modality that is non-invasive and efficient. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a great tool to employ when a patient experiences hurting resulting in they having difficulty participating in their rehabilitation.

A TENS Machine tin can be used for more this, but whenever mentioning any "result" or "success" in dealing with T.E.N.S, this is what I am referring to.

Please Notation: The information I provide in this commodity is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek professional person communication with whatsoever questions you lot may have regarding a medical condition mentioned in this article and utilize your all-time judgment.

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How Does Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) Work?

Whenever using a TENS Machine, 2 pads are placed over or at the perimeter of the injured expanse of the trunk.

The unit sends an electric electric current, or an electric pulse, from and to the pads whenever activated. This electrical pulse stimulates the release of the body's own natural opioid pain-relieving chemicals.

A HUGE and completely essential part of reaching the benefits of using a TENS automobile is to know the right placement of the pads. This is because the electric electric current demand to be both continued to the injured surface area as well every bit between the two (or four) pads in order to "triangulate" the area.

This lets the electrical pulses motility through the nerve fibers within the damaged area.

All the same, i surface area of the benefits of TENS can be beneficial regardless of this occurring. For example, the electric pulses created past the unit of measurement tin can in 1 fashion "confuse" the body from locating the hurting, causing a pain interrupt.

This is yet only temporary pain-release and can work for instance a migraine.

What Kind of Pains tin can a TENS Machine Assistance You WIth?

As mentioned, if you want a thoroughly detailed guide on how the TENS machine can help with different kinds of problems and symptoms, you should visit this guide. But some of these injuries can exist equally follows:

  • Soft Tissue Injuries
  • Cervical radiculopathy
  • Hip Pain
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Sciatica
  • Chronic Conditions
  • Arthritis
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Migraines

What is the purpose of sending electrode signals from a TENS motorcar?

TENS is acknowledged and claimed to exist a not-invasive and drug-free method for hurting relief.

In the early days of TENS machines, they were used past doctors and Physical Therapists to a very restricted extent.

Nowadays, due to the advocacy in applied science and research, TENS machines tin can exist both used and bought by pretty much anybody.

A TENS machine produces low-voltage pulses that, when the electrode pads are applied to your peel, stimulates the nervus fibers to aid cake pain signals to your brain. Some say that, due to the blocking of nervus signals, a TENS machine as well causes one to increment natural endorphins also known as "The feel-good-chemical".

Manage your TENS Machines Results and Expectations

Fifty-fifty though this unit has gained a lot of traction thanks to its very smart and convenient way to reduce pain, it is important to manage the results and expectations.

  1. The TENS motorcar usually won't work immediately, and then patience is really a virtue. Sometimes you have to use it for a longer period the kickoff sessions, or sometimes you have to use it a couple of times before actually noticing annihilation. This is besides really personal, what is "considered pain relief".
  2. The relief of pain or discomfort you lot are hopefully feeling during the fourth dimension of using TENS might exist lost whenever yous switch it off.
  3. It'southward of import and crucial (as shown in this guide) to know where exactly to attach the pads, or else you could lose on the whole experience. A quick move of 1 of the electrode pads could make a huge departure.
  4. What works for others might not work for you. If you have heard someone having bang-up benefits from using a TENS auto and you're non experiencing the same – don't give up! Many TENS machines have a lot of different settings and combining these with the right placement volition eventually make it work for yous!

This is How You Should Place Your TENS-Motorcar's Electrode Pads

A great advice to follow throughout this guide is to place the electrodes as close to the area of pain every bit possible, with the injured area "in between" the pads, while at the same time adhering to these general guidelines:

  1. Your peel must be dry and clean.
  2. Put a small-scale amount of gel in under each electrode (depending on the specific instructions that come with each unit). This helps the electrical pulses achieve the nerves nether the skin. If the pads start to lose their stickiness, rub a few drops of h2o into the gel side of the pads before putting them back on. The more than firmly the pads are stuck on, the better they'll work.
  3. Don't be shy in using some forcefulness in placing the electrode pads. If they are not correctly placed flat on the surface of your peel, information technology tin actually send pulses to the outside of your peel instead, then be firm when placing them!
  4. Claw the pin connectors on the end of the electrode wires to the electrodes. Then plug the electrode wires into the TENS unit.
  5. When starting the unit, arrange slowly to find the correct setting. It will commonly effect in feeling a slight tingling feeling.
  6. E'er read the transmission before using your TENS motorcar since there might be things you need to be aware of earlier using it.

The main thing to take away from this segment is that you should always start on a modest intensity and piece of work yourself up to something that you can tolerate. Only then tin can yous exam your limits.

>> Click Here to become to the All-time TENS Machine Reviews 2021 <<

15 General Body Parts to place the Electrode Pads

  1. Ankle
  2. Arm
  3. Dorsum
  4. Cervical
  5. Cervix
  6. Elbow
  7. Finger
  8. Wrist
  9. Pes
  10. Hip
  11. Genu
  12. Rib Cage
  13. Shoulder
  14. Thigh
  15. Wrist

How Do I Place my TENs Car'southward Electrode Pads for Sciatica

To handle and pain related to sciatica, apply either two, or most preferably, iv electrode pads placed above and under the area on hurting. DO NOT place the pads directly on the spine, merely you can without any problem place the pads vertically on either side of the spine.

You can besides place ii of the electrode pads on the loftier part of the backside of your legs and experiment with the placement of them equally shown in the image.

How Do I Place my TENs Machine's Electrode Pads for sciatica

How Practise I Place my TENs Auto'southward Electrode Pads for my Tennis Elbow

To handle hurting related to the elbow, the electrode pads should be placed on the outside of the elbow as the image suggests. Two pads are plenty in treating your tennis elbow, only if you accept more pads to spare, you can put one on the inside of the joint besides.

For treating the upper function of the forearm as well, extend any pad vertically to reach out on the forearm to "triangulate" the surface area of pain.

How Do I Place my TENs Machine's Electrode Pads for tennis elbow

How Practise I Identify my TENs Car'south Electrode Pads for Frozen Shoulder

To handle pain related to the shoulder, place the electrode pads, in this case preferably with four pads, at the perimeter of the area of pain. You can extend the placement every bit much as downwardly to your upper arm, your upper chest and your upper back.

Because of the lower amount of sensitive areas around the shoulders, experience free to experiment with the placement and the intensity to a degree that information technology is not painful or if it feels like your hurting too much.

How Do I Place my TENs Machine's Electrode Pads for frozen shoulder

How Do I Place my TENs Machine's Electrode Pads for Lower Back Pain

When you desire to place the electrode pads on either your dorsum on your lower dorsum, information technology's preferred to have someone help you lot find the preferred placement, at least the commencement couple of times.

As well, if y'all stop up finding a great placement – brand them marking it with a marking pen so that you lot or the next person attaching them would know where it worked for yous the last fourth dimension.

Y'all can use both two or iv pads for treating lower back pain, but I ever suggest four, since it will triangulate the area of pain much better.

You tin can benefit from using a TENS car in which you tin can control the intensity of the different channels, and in that manner alternate the pressure level by combining the channels as shown in the images.

How Do I Place my TENs Machine's Electrode Pads for lower back pain and labour

How Do I Place my TENs Machine'southward Electrode Pads for Cervix Hurting

The way to identify the electrode pads is similar to how to place them for the lower back pain, except of course identify them college.

Here is besides suggested to use 4 pads to better triangulate the surface area of pain. You tin can either place two of the electrode pads on either side of the spine at the base of operations of the hairline and ii lower on the shoulder or cross them as an " x " as the image suggests.

How Do I Place my TENs Machine's Electrode Pads for neck pain

How Do I Place my TENs Motorcar's Electrode Pads During Labour

This is really an extension to how to place the electrode pads for your dorsum and is not really that much unlike.

Merely remember that y'all should only be using a TENS machine in the early stages of labor.

NOTE: Y'all may need to take off the TENS pads if your infant's heart has to be monitored electronically because the pads could affect the signals to the monitoring car.

Follow these steps:

  1. Place the ii or iv electrode pads as suggested for "lower back hurting". Follow the steps under the guidelines of placement as well, and remember If the pads start to lose their stickiness, rub a few drops of water into the gel side of the pads before putting them dorsum on. The more firmly the pads are stuck on, the amend they'll piece of work.
  2. Beginning with the absolute lowest setting and slowly piece of work your manner upwardly, making sure you're not overdoing it.
  3. Employ the boost button at the pinnacle of each contraction. The boost role results in more intense, wave-like tingling or buzzing sensations. Don't forget to the boost button off once again when the contraction has ended. This is and then yous feel the benefit of the boost next time you have a wrinkle. This works super-keen!
  4. As mentioned above in the "expectations management", don't surrender just because y'all're not feeling anything at first. Give it some tweaks and some time and you volition nigh surely find some benefits.
  5. Accept the opportunity to move around! If you have any decrease in hurting past using a TENS machine, this is the perfect fourth dimension to do something the pain otherwise is distracting yous from.
  6. Don't forget that the electrode pulses are nether your control. If y'all experience any discomfort, just plow it off or lower the intensity!

How Do I Place my TENs Machine's Electrode Pads for lower back pain and labour

How Do I Place my TENs Machine'due south Electrode Pads for Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

To handle pain related to any carpal tunnel syndrome, kickoff, recognize where you are feeling the pain the most. Also, since the wrist is such an exposed area for a lot of ligaments, practise consult with your professional healthcare provider if you come across whatever uncertainties.

If your carpal tunnel syndrome extends into your forearm, place the electrode pads along the inside of your forearm, i pad at the wrist and one pad just beneath the elbow articulation.

If y'all are feeling hurting more than in the center of the wrist expanse, you lot may place one electrode pad viscous side down on the within of the wrist and 1 on the exterior of the wrist, just below the back of the hand.

How Do I Place my TENs Machine's Electrode Pads for tennis elbow

How Do I Place my TENs Machine'due south Electrode Pads for Chronic Hip Pain

To handle hurting related to chronic hip pain, place ii or four electrode pads in a diamond shaped structure, two stacked vertically and 2 horizontally, at the perimeter of the almost intense area of pain every bit the image suggest.

How Do I Place my TENs Machine's Electrode Pads for chronic hip pain

How Do I Place my TENs Car's Electrode Pads for a Migraine?

A TENS machine is often recommended equally a solution to deal with the hurting of their attacks. Merely as opposed to the other symptoms in this commodity, a migraine assault isn't a hurting disorder, but a neurological disorder. Attacking the attack itself is not the all-time way to become.

Every bit mentioned at the beginning of this article, a TENS automobile is designed to disrupt the pain pathways, rather than "fixing" the attack.

What a TENS machine tin can do for a migraine is to "confuse" the source of hurting for a while, but fifty-fifty though some suggests a way of placing the electrodes, I won't advise using this method every bit a cure for your migraine.

When Do I Know that the Electrode Pads Needs to Be Replaced?

The best indicator that you lot demand to replace your electrode pads is when they are not sticky anymore. And this depends on a number of factors, such equally how regularly yous use it, at what capacity you use it, what the quality of the pads are and how good you are at maintaining them.

Some general rule to keep the electrode pads concluding longer is to ever place them on dry out and make clean peel and never expose them to any water since this will decrease the stickiness really fast. So be sure that your skin is dry before placing them!

If you have more than than one ready of electrode pads, treat them equally your shoes and rotate between them in lodge to make them last longer and non go worn out as fast.

Also, consider your torso hair. If you are a hairy person or if you want to regularly place your pads on a hairy expanse, make sure that as small amount as possible gets stuck to the pads, since by then removing the pilus will decrease the longevity of the pads significantly.

What to do When You lot Need to Replace Your Electrode Pads

No matter how careful you are, it is of import to know that these are consumable products. They are intended to be replaced after a while and to exist honest, they are not that expensive. Check with the brand you bought them from or expect for universal pads that could work on any brand!

What to do with a broken or malfunctioning TENS Automobile?

Contact your retailer, Almost every TENS machine comes with a warranty. Dispose your one-time TENS auto according to the label or render it to the retailer.